10 Highest Paying Data Science Certifications in 2023

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Highest Paying Data Science Certifications

Technologies like artificial intelligence and data science are on the rise thanks to the IT sector’s advancements. The demand for jobs in data science will continue to rise in all industries in the present year. Aspirants should now be looking for data science certificates in current year. Data science ranks among the top three jobs with an average annual salary of $150,000. The glass door shows that there are 15,000+ Data science jobs available in the US and 10000+ jobs available in India at instahyre.

This article will explain the 10 highest paying data science certifications that you need to know by the current time in order to help you get your dream job as a data scientist.

1. IBM Data Science Professional Certificate

The IBM data science professional certificate was created to be easily accessible to anyone who is passionate about data science. This certification is a great choice for those who are just starting out in data science and allows them to acquire essential skills. This course will teach you Python, SQL, visualization and statistics.

2. Certified Analytics Professional (CAP)

The Certified Analytics Professional certification is the most prestigious global professional certification. It is ideal for anyone who wants to work in data science or analytics. The CAP certification is focused on one technology and equips individuals with analytical skills. You will be able to unlock lucrative career opportunities if you achieve high standards in CAP. This certification is for analytics professionals at the beginning to middle of their careers.

3. Open Certified Data Scientist

To verify that data scientists are capable of producing effective data analysis for improving business performance, certification from the open group certified data science has been created.

4. SAS-certified Data Scientist

SAS-certified data scientist certification is for people who are able to analyze and manipulate large amounts of data. You can now create complex machine-learning models using a variety open-source and SAS tools and deploy them in the flexible SAS environment.

5. Proven Professional Certification Program from Dell EMC

The Dell EMC Data Scientist Associate foundation certification teaches you data analytic basics as well as big data. You are considered a professional once you have passed your data scientist certification.

6. Azure Data Scientist Associate at Microsoft

The Azure Data Scientist Associate certification from Microsoft is next on the list. Azure Data Scientist Associate certification by Microsoft is where azure scientists apply their knowledge in artificial intelligence and data science for the execution and implementation of machine learning workloads on Azure Cloud Platform.

7. CCA Data Analyser

Data analyst certification shows you are able to prepare, structure, and analyze data in Cloudera’s CDH environment. You will be able to import data from MySQL into Hadoop. You can also create tables and modify them. Additionally, you can make reports using select and join queries.

8. Cloudera Certified Professional

CCP data engineer certification certifies that you are capable of developing reliable, autonomous, and scalable data pipes that produce optimised data sets that can be used for various workloads. CCP data engineers can prove that they are capable of transforming data into useful, clean forms that can be used by many people and for different purposes.

9. Data Analytics Certification at Amazon AWS

AWS Certified Data Analytics – Specialty exam is for individuals who work in data analytics. This exam validates the examinee’s knowledge of AWS services for designing, building, maintaining, and securing analytics solutions that provide insight data.

10. Data Engineer Certification by Google

Google Cloud Data Engineering certification will show the world you’re an expert in data-driven solutions with google cloud. Today’s businesses are increasingly storing large amounts of data, which means that skilled professionals who can create solutions in the cloud have become more important. Cloud Data Engineering certification is the best way to prove your skills.


Kaylie is a lifestyle content writer, writing coach, and the blogger behind lightontech.