Earth and It’s Parasites

Earth & It's Parasites

Our Earth was created 4.5 billion years ago. About 3.7 billion years ago we had the first living organisms. It took 0.8 billion years for the Earth to start life. The first Plantlife started 470 million years ago. The First land animals emerged 440 million years ago.

This is how much time it takes for making land habitable. It took the earth 4060000000 Years to become the beautiful green and blue planet which had been known it for.

The First humans appeared about 2.5 billion years ago. Before the humans, many species had dominated the planet. Trilobites & Dinosaurs became extinct.

The Permian-Triassic Extinction killed 95% of Aquatic life and 70% of Terrestrial. All those who were dominant were terminated through Mass Extinction Events.

This was just to make you understand my thoughts. Having this overview will make you understand the necessity of what I want to convey. Something on which our existence may actually depend.

We say that we are a magnificent creation of God/Nature. The most intelligent species, the most dominant. We have a Complexly designed body. This body of ours has multiple systems which keep us safe & alive.

These are what help us to do our daily activities. Any impact or damage to any part of our body reduces our efficiency, it affects our systems. To fight this, our body has defence systems.

Let us understand how these systems work. Suppose you have a parasite inside you, something that is harming you. On realising this, Your body will start to fight it.

The first effect would be fever. Increasing the temperature to such a level that the parasite would die because of the temperature. If this doesn’t work then, we take external options like medicines and treatments to basically kill the parasite.

What is the end result? Either the Host will die or The Parasite will. But even if the parasite wins it eventually leads to the death of the parasite too.

Now understand this, modern humans appeared on earth just 2,00,000 years ago. The earth and life before this were like living in paradise. The most favourable conditions, no scarcity of food and water, no pollution. It was an ideal Healthy Planet.

We as the most dominant species on earth started to reshape the earth for our interests. Unknowingly we became parasites, Our Inventions pushed us towards becoming the world killer.

We started destroying the environment with Population Growth, Over Consumption, Over Exploitation, Pollution, Deforestation & Wars. For the past 2,00,000 years onwards we have been killing earth and its resources.

Just as a parasite depletes the host from within, we started doing this to Earth. Wouldn’t there be any consequences to this???

We have seen various plagues and geological events happening and killing masses. We all have taken this as a tragedy, we have lamented over it. But, we missed the big picture here. Why are these mass killing plagues & events happening? We say these as natural causes but why do they happen all of a sudden?

These are Earth’s Defence systems which have understood that humans are a parasite. Earth has understood that we are going to kill it along with its billions of years’ worth of beautiful creations.

The Earth has become against us. It doesn’t want us to let to live anymore. It knows that either the Earth(The Host) will die or Humans (The Parasites)will die.

Two outcomes out of this both state that humans will die 1) If host wins, earth will be rid of humans and the earth will flourish again with some other dominant species. 2) If host dies, it kills all the humans along with it. In either cases the earth may regrow and take Billions of years again to start creating a fresh habitable planet.

The current pandemic, COVID may or may not be a Natural event but be sure to understand that the earth will not stop protecting itself and we will have more of such extinction level events.

Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Global Warming, Plagues, and Meteor Showers are all side-effects of our destroying the environment. Our greed will lead us to extinction just like all the Trilobites & Dinosaurs whom nature thought to be a threat to itself.

It’s a very concerning situation. Why can’t we be satisfied with what we have? Why do we need to have more and more? Why do we need to show others that we are better than them? Why can’t we simply get back in time and fix this? What good are those tons of money when it’s only killing earth more and more daily?

It may be already late for us to go back 2,00,000 years ago and stop what we have done. but we can all start to realise this and work towards it. This will definitely help us to increase few more years of our tenure on earth. We may still make the Earth believe that we are not It’s Parasites.

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If you don’t believe it, just see the climate & temperature changes happening around you. When the surface would hit 70°C, no land life will be able to survive.

Every year the temperature was increasing at the rate of 0.18°C since 1985 and in past 5 years it has increased to 1.8°C. At this rate, in the coming 20 to 40 years our temperature may exceed 70°C. How are you gonna survive that?

Just think about You, Your Sons, Your Daughters, Your Friends, your Families and all the lives on earth. Wouldn’t you want them to have a Greener, Cooler, Safer Earth?

Diatomaceous earth and parasites explores the intimate relationships that compose planet Earth: the solar system, bacteria and other single-celled organisms, multi-cellular life forms, plants, animals and humans.

Earth is the planet upon which humans live, as well as many other species. Earth has one natural satellite, the Moon. Earth is also orbited by a number of artificial satellites and other objects in space, including most notably the Sun.


I am a Marine Engineer. I am a nature lover. Nature is best in its purest form. Binding with nature has opened my mind to such levels that books and classrooms could not. The more creative thinking comes when you are at peace with nature. I like to listen to others thoughts and share mine with them. I like to Support & Motivate people and have been doing that successfully. I believe good deeds are considered good when you don't take the credit for it.