How much Caffeine can I have in a Day?

How much Caffeine can I have in a Day

We Indians have a habit now whether to call it good or bad but it is right, and that is to drink tea or coffee. We have a cup in hand in the morning after that we say good morning! and later we start some work. And many people are so used to it that they take 5-7 cups of tea or coffee throughout the day.

You should only drink so many cups of tea or coffee in a day! Too much caffeine can rise health problems.

Effects of caffeine on health: Everyone needs a cup of tea and coffee in the early morning.

Caffeine is found in drinks like tea and coffee, which is a natural substance that alerts the brain by inducing lethargy and sleepiness. That is why, whenever people feel lethargic or tired during the day, they consume tea or coffee again and again and they do not feel better until they get caffeine in the form of tea or coffee.

At the same time, there is often a lot of debate about which of the tea and coffee drinks contain more caffeine and which drink is beneficial or harmful for health. But before that it is important to understand how healthy or harmful caffeine can prove to be for health.

Are caffeinated drinks good or bad for health?

Caffeinated drinks are the most commonly consumed worldwide, including beverages such as coffee and tea. Caffeine is the first choice of many people for refreshing. Caffeine can be obtained from more than 60 plants growing around the world, but the most commonly consumed items for caffeine are, of course, chocolate in addition to tea and coffee.

Similarly, the amount of caffeine can also be more or less depending on the process of preparation of each drink and food. To get the benefits of caffeine, people consume it in different ways.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, an adult should consume no more than 400 mg of caffeine per day. However, while caffeine is considered very beneficial for health, consuming too much caffeine can have a very bad effect on health.

Advantages of caffeine drinking

How much Caffeine can I have in a Day

Some of the health benefits of consuming caffeine in limited amounts are as follows:

1. Lethargy runs away and instant energy is available.
2. Mood gets better. (Mood boosting foods)
3. Drinking tea or coffee can prove beneficial when blood pressure is very low.
4. The brain is more alert.
5. Athletes are able to perform better after drinking caffeine.
6. The metabolic rate of the body increases which plays an important role in the process of weight loss.
7. It helps in periods of crumps.

Disadvantages of caffeine drinking

How much Caffeine can I have in a Day

What are the disadvantages of excessive caffeine drinking?

At the same time, according to experts, when caffeine is consumed in more than a certain amount of 400 mg, it can lead to many health problems. The effects seen in the body by consuming caffeine in excess are as follows-

1. Anxiety can be caused by excessive consumption of tea and coffee.
2. Headaches and restlessness may be felt.
3. One of the reasons for the problem of sleeplessness or insomnia is also excessive consumption of caffeine.
4. At the same time, an excessive amount of caffeine has a very bad effect on the digestive system and can cause problems like acidity and gas formation in the stomach.
5. Caffeine can be addictive and quitting is not easy.

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There are three ways caffeine affects your body

1. Blocking some of the effects of adenosine in the brain

2. Increasing blood pressure and heart rate

3. Causing headaches


Each person has a different tolerance level for caffeine. Research shows that women who consume the same amount of caffeine as expected by survey respondents can experience headaches, anxiety and rapid heartbeat as much as twice as often as men.

Gagan jangir

Hey there! My name is Gagan Jangir and I'm a Business Growth Strategist at lightontech. I help businesses accelerate their growth by delivering creative solutions and strategies. I'm passionate about helping people succeed in their business and I use my innovative thinking and marketing expertise to help businesses prosper. If you're looking to add momentum to your business, I'm here to help. Get in touch and let's start the conversation!