Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks

Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks

Whether you are at the beginning of your programming journey or looking to hire a web app developer for your project, learning what is in trend, and which language, framework, or tools you need to choose is important. Many of us have encountered similar situations.

Since there is a large array of languages and frameworks possible in the software development community, there is not a sole solution or alternative.

Hence, we have designed this list to narrow down your possibility. In this post, we will talk about Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks that we believe will be the most helpful in 2022 and 2023.

Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks

When we are talking about the development of web apps, the JavaScript framework immediately comes to mind for companies and programmers in today’s world.

You most probably had a prospect to work on one or two of the JavaScript Frameworks that we have discussed on the list. Go on and learn more regarding these JavaScript Frameworks.

1. ReactJS framework

React is identified to be one of the most accepted frameworks. It was launched by Facebook in 2003 to be used for native development. It has a wide community of programmers that support improving performance by providing reusable elements.

React JS development is an excellent choice for single-page applications (SPA), cross-platform development, and the development of small business apps.

ReactJS features

  • It is feasible to build a UI for most devices.
  • React app consists of diverse components where each has its access, logic, and controls.
  • Supports a unidirectional data flow.
  • Practices the JSX file, allowing it to quickly read and follow the app’s code.

2. AngularJS framework

Angular is a multifaceted framework. It includes some elements such as CLI, directives, MVC, TypeScript support, two-way data binding dependency injection, and others.

Due to the introduction of React and Vue, Angular development is experiencing a decline because of its complexity. Yet, you can hire angular developers for building large-scale applications.

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Angular features

  • The two-way data-binding of AngularJS manages the synchronization within the DOM and the model, and vice versa.
  • Has a lot of built-in settings. It enables the rendering of XMLHttpRequests.
  • It practices HTTP.
  • Endeavors built-in directives.
  • Has a built-in dependency injection enabling the developer to develop, interpret, and assess apps.
  • Aslo Read: Top Reasons to Choose AngularJS for Development in 2021

3. VueJS framework

Vue is a framework for developing the front end of applications. It has specialized documentation and is recognized for its reusability, TypeScript support, and remarkably simple to study. It is extremely flexible, which may be deemed a disadvantage. The principal benefit of Vue is that it supports building MVP fast.

VueJS features

  • Practices virtual DOM.
  • Provides HTML templates.
  • Has a lot of elements conceding building custom reusable elements.
  • Its data binding characteristic facilitates administration and specifying values to HTML attributes, editing style, setting classes, etc.

4. EmberJS framework

EmberJS is an open-source javascript framework used for the production of a wide variety of web applications. It is an amazingly adaptable and extensible framework where the development stack can be created by Ember or additional tools.

It offers programmers different components and layouts and its backend architecture to proffer programmers all tools for developing their app-specific HTML tags.

EmberJS benefits

  • It is an Open-source
  • Applied for building JavaScript apps that can be reused and supported.
  • Employ HTML and CSS as the core of its development model.
  • Ember Inspector tool can be utilized for debugging the Ember apps.

5. BackBoneJS library

BackboneJS is a JS library that assists in building and structuring client-side applications working in a web browser. It implements an MVC framework that separates data into models, DOMs into views, and connects them to events.

BackboneJS library is a complete solution if you are expecting a more conventional design with less code. The code of apps developed with Backbone is easier, more precise, and more comfortable to maintain.

Backbone.Js features

  • Excellent for one-page applications and developing the frontend JavaScript functions.
  • Presents a set of blocks such as models, routers, views, and others for developing client-side web apps.
  • Has a soft dependence on jQuery and substantial reliance on Underscore.js.
  • Allows creating client-side and mobile apps in a well-defined and standardized format.

6. Meteor.JS framework

MeteorJS is one of the extensively utilized backend JavaScript frameworks. The central notion of Meteor is developing a backend in less time. That is how frontend developers can perform backend properly with Meteor without flipping between programming languages like PHP, Python, etc. It supports using one language throughout.

Meteor JS features

  • Uses the identical code for web, mobile, and desktop apps.
  • Has open-source IDevE and provides the design of real-time web applications.
  • Equips full-stack characteristics for building web apps.
  • Offers necessary packages for popular frameworks like Backbone.js, Bootstrap, etc.

7. PolymerJs

PolymerJS is just a different open-source JavaScript library for building web applications that make use of Web Components. This library is generated by Google developers and it has been published on GitHub.

In contrast to every other JavaScript framework, Polymer is intended to recognize the characteristics that are present on the web platform to let developers build components. It was the most relevant library that included interactive structuring of applications through assembling components.

The polymer framework is practiced by Google services and many additional web platforms. The framework has commenced gaining a reputation in the market with a great deal of focus due to its structured design systems.

Polymer JS features

  • Polymer.js allows the most active way to develop custom HTML elements since its library is composed on top of web standards API.
  • Polymer.js makes it more comfortable for you to build your own customizable and reusable modules.
  • This makes the means of building reusable widgets quite easier.
  • Polymer.js braces cross-browser compatibility and maintains gesture events making it an ideal opportunity to build applications.
  • It promotes the quick and simple development of hybrid mobile applications.

8. MithrilJS

Mithril is a slightly lesser-known JS library, but it is the latest JavaScript framework utilized to build client-side web applications. It has proper development means and sufficient documentation. Flux accommodates well and is steady and unopinionated.

It’s a true JavaScript framework of virtual DOM. It’s quick and presents routing and practical XHR utilities. It maintains all important browsers, such as IE9, without any polyfills. The purpose of Mithril supports a rendering model that restores the entire virtual DOM tree is to implement a declarative API that makes it simpler to handle the complexities of the UI.

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MithrilJS features

  • Mithril is approximately 7.8 kB gzipped and has no dependence on any other libraries.
  • In its Github repo, Mithril has more documentation than that of the source code, and not all of the documentation is auto-generated.
  • Mithril’s view layer paradigm is expected to be declarative, just like HTML, so that a related code essentially does what it wants.
  • In Mithril, developers can get entrance to codebases with no requirement of being locked into the framework.

9. ExpressJS

If you’re searching for the most beneficial JavaScript front-end frameworks, then Express JS would show to be the accurate option. When Node.js was published in 2009, TJ Holowaychuk developed Express.js based on the Sinatra web framework.

It is practiced to create web applications and the REST API. It is a fast, less opinionated, lightweight, and scalable Node.js web application framework that offers a varied collection of peculiarities for creating web and mobile applications.

ExpressJS features

  • Acknowledges a routing table that is made to take multiple actions depending on the URL and HTTP method.
  • Enables dynamic rendering of HTML Pages concentrated on passing arguments to templates.
  • Express allows a thin layer of simple web application functionality without covering the functionality of Node.js.

10. Next JS

Next.js is an open-source React framework used for the development of single-page and multi-page JavaScript applications and websites. It

allows developers to create Jamstack as well as server-based applications by combining the best practices of web development into the

framework. It is a higher-level web framework best at the top of Node.js and React.

Next JS features

  • It guarantees optimum server-side rendering with extraordinary SEO backing and quick startup.
  • It allows automated code splitting and efficient system-based file routing.
  • It provides easy-to-use data retrieval as well as built-in CSS assistance.


There can’t be a particular framework that will be well-suited for your needs. The judgment of selecting a framework relies on your project conditions.

Every framework has its benefits and drawbacks, you just have to figure out which one gives the most advantageous features to you and provides to all your demands.

We hope that the above 10 frameworks give you a greater overview of the JS frameworks that can be viewed for your next development project.

Whether you are at the beginning of your programming cycle or looking to hire a software development company for your project, this section will be helpful for you. With comprehensive analysis and evaluation, we have shortlisted these JavaScript Frameworks.

You may choose a framework based on the stipulations of your project and the satisfaction of your team. You may also associate these JS frameworks with each other to completely comprehend their functionality.

Nikita Jangid

Nikita Jangid is a final year student at IIT Roorkee. She's currently pursuing Btech Chemical engineering. She's a technophile person and has a very optimistic approach to any problem. She's interested into problem solving, traveling, interacting with people. In her free time, she could be seen hanging out with Netflix.