What are the 10 stages of falling in love?

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10 stages of falling in love

If you’ve ever fallen in love, then you know it’s a magical feeling. You can’t stop thinking about the person that made your heart skip a beat or caused you to blush every time they looked at you. Falling for someone is like falling down an endless flight of stairs; it doesn’t last forever but it feels so good when it happens! But what exactly does falling in love mean? And why do we fall for certain people over others? We asked an expert on the subject: Dr. Alex McBride, who has been studying human relationships since 2007.”

The ten stages of falling in love

1. Attraction

Attraction is the first stage of falling in love. It’s when you find someone attractive, and they become more attractive over time.

Attraction happens when there are commonalities between you and another person that make each other feel good about themselves. This can be anything from personality traits to physical characteristics—they just need to be things that matter to you!

Signs of attraction include: feeling awkward around them or thinking about them constantly; wanting to spend time with them or being jealous of other people who have met them (especially if it’s someone new); wanting their attention even though they don’t ask for it explicitly; wanting to know more about their life story so much that asking questions becomes difficult (or impossible).

2. Infatuation is fair at the stages of falling in love

This is the stage where you are obsessed with the person, and can’t stop thinking about them. You want to be around them all the time, even when they’re not there. You feel very excited and happy when you are with them, but it’s not just that—you also think about how much fun it would be if only…well, pretty much anything!

If this sounds familiar, congratulations! You’ve found yourself in love at this point (or will soon).

3. Lovey-dovey

The honeymoon period is the third stage of falling in love. You’re at an all-time high, and everything about your partner seems magical. You feel like you can’t get enough of each other—that’s right, it’s that good! You want to spend as much time together as possible (and maybe even stay up until 3 a.m., because why not).

The honeymoon stage also involves being able to talk about anything under the sun with ease; there aren’t any topics off limits for either party involved in this relationship. This might seem like an ideal way to build trust between two people who are getting along well so far, but sometimes things will go awry when partners start talking too much about things they don’t fully understand or care about—which can lead them into an argument rather quickly if left unchecked long enough!

4. Jealousy

Jealousy is a natural emotion. It’s part of the human condition and it can be a sign that you are really in love, or it could just be insecurity. So if you find yourself feeling jealous of another person, ask yourself these questions: Is the other person attractive? Do they have qualities that I lack? Am I jealous because they have more experience than me (or whatever)?

If your answer to any of these questions is “yes” then this could indicate that your relationship has some room for growth and improvement.

5. The two of you against the world

As you start to fall in love, you feel as though you are a team. You are together and can’t imagine life without each other. Your love has grown deeper and more meaningful than it ever was before, but now that you’re together, it feels like there’s no one else in the world quite like your partner.

6. Neediness

Neediness is a common problem that can lead to relationship problems. Neediness is often caused by insecurity, low self-confidence, and low self-esteem. If you’re feeling like your partner needs everything from you all the time and expects nothing in return, take some time for yourself. Self-care isn’t selfish—it’s an essential part of being confident enough to know what makes you happy (and not just what makes someone else happy).

Read more: Signs Your Husband Loves You

7. Needing space and independence

  • Needing space and independence. If you’re in love with someone, it can be hard to let them go when they want something from you that’s more important than anything else in your life. But if they’re willing to give up their own needs and desires for yours, then all is well!
  • Wanting time alone. The 7 stage of falling in love is when you begin to feel comfortable enough with someone that when they leave or are away from home for long periods of time (like at school), it doesn’t seem strange or lonely anymore—but instead makes sense because we’ve been through so much together already!
  • Enjoying being around friends again after being apart from them for such a long period of time as well as doing things on your own without needing anyone else around because both parties know how much fun those activities will bring them back together again later down the line once we’ve returned home safely back into our lives here on earth where everything still feels normal even though there might have been some difficult experiences along this journey called life which might not make sense right now but will soon enough once everything settles down again into its rightful place once properly reintegrated back onto Earth’s surface where everyone else who lived here before us died during whatever disaster struck while working frantically trying desperately hard not only survive themselves but also save everyone else nearby who depend upon these resources like electricity generated through solar panels installed across rooftops nearby farms producing crops year round so nobody need worry about eating during winter months anymore since food production systems ensure there would always be plenty available every single day regardless whether summertime comes early during springtime season; hence why

8. Commitment

The next stage is commitment. This is a big step for anyone, and it means that you are making plans to be together for the long haul. You know that this person is your partner, so you want to make sure they’re in your life forever. It’s important to realize that committing yourself requires a lot of trust and faith on your part—but just remember: no matter what happens, you’ll always have their back!

9. Fighting over petty things

As your relationship develops, you may notice that certain fights are more serious than others. For example, one partner might become angry when his significant other forgets to put on deodorant before leaving for work. In this case, it’s important to take an honest look at why your partner is upset and address the issue rather than fight about it in general terms (like “You should never forget about deodorant!”).

If you have any doubts about whether or not to tackle a specific issue during a fight or argument—such as whether or not your partner should be taking care of himself more often—think carefully before making any decisions!

10. Honeymoon stage, part 2; life goes on as usual

As you begin to drift apart, the honeymoon stage is a period of time when you are still very much in love but not as intensely as before. It can last for weeks or even months, depending on how long it takes for one person to get over their ex-partner and start dating again.

The biggest challenge here is finding balance between being together and focusing on yourself—and figuring out what parts of your relationship might need some work. For example: if one person wants more space than the other does (or vice versa), there’s no way around having some conversations about where this new dynamic will lead them both down the road ahead.”

Falling in love is difficult to define, but it usually involves long periods of attraction and infatuation that build up to a few key moments where you realize you are committed to someone for the rest of your life.

The stages of falling in love are usually a rollercoaster ride that can be difficult to define, but they usually involve long periods of attraction and infatuation that build up to a few key moments where you realize you are committed to someone for the rest of your life.

The first stage is “the chase”: when a person starts chasing after another person who they really like. This can happen in any context—at work or school, out on a date with friends—but generally happens when there is mutual interest but no commitment yet. During this time, both parties will try harder than ever before: trying new things together (or doing things separately), saying how much they like each other…


That’s all for now! As you can see, love is complicated—but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth exploring. If you are feeling the pangs of romantic heartbreak right now, know that you are not alone. We may be in this together, and we can get through this together—so long as there are people around who care about what happened to you (and especially about how).


I am a blogger that writes about making money online, affiliate marketing and working from home. I also manage clients Instagram accounts to generate more leads and email subscribers.