How to Build an Authentic Personal Brand

How to Build an Authentic Personal Brand

A personal brand is something you create and control, while your reputation is what other people say about you. Building a personal brand starts with figuring out who you are, what your values are and then sharing that with the world.

The more genuine you can be, the easier it is for people to engage with you, otherwise your message will be perceived as inauthentic and meaningless.

It’s not about being authentic, but about being authentic. This is how you can create a brand that represents your authentic self.

Today’s world is filled with more information than our brains can handle, and this number is growing. Everyone has a story. But how and what you tell that story is the most important aspect of your journey.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to tell the difference between being an Instagram Reel or real. It is impossible to know who is the same offline person as online.

For long-term success, authenticity is key. All authentic branding comes down to honesty. It is not about being authentic but about being true to yourself. After building my brand and helping others do so, I decided to compile a list to help anyone just starting out or struggling to define their brand.

How to Build an Authentic Personal Brand

1. Find your niche

Fear of doing the things they love is a common fear. Many people have a fear of doing the things they love for a hobby, but feel insecure or unworthy to do it full-time. Imagine if I said that our struggles actually shape us. The lessons we learn from our struggles are invaluable.

Once we have learned how to survive, we can then use these skills to help others. This is your niche. This is your very own niche. Before you enter the market, take the time to master the skills and then implement them.

Be more than a salesperson. Instead, be an impactful person who cares about others and helps them. Don’t let anyone who hasn’t lived their dreams talk you out of them. Do you have a knack for relationships? You might be able to coach others.

Are you a great artist? Perfect, attract your ideal clients. Whatever your niche, believe in yourself and have the right intentions and heart. Things will work out.

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2. Social media presence

Your personal brand is the first thing people will notice when you start to build it. Consider social media your digital pamphlet.

You must be fearless about sharing the real you on social media. Your honesty, integrity, and genuine chacrecter over time will allow you to build a community that shares your vision, goals, and values.

Your audience will expect you to share the truth about your struggles. This will also dictate what they can expect from you. Loyalty is rewarded with authenticity.

Being authentic is a sign that you believe in your brand and are willing to promote it.

While I understand that fear and judgment from others can be a hindrance, I ask my clients this question: What would you feel if your life were exactly the same year from now? Start learning and practicing the skills you desire.

You will find that it is less frightening and more fun to speak publicly as someone who has overcome fear of public speaking.

3. Implement a marketing strategy

Marketing and branding are great marriages. If the branding is good, marketing will only increase awareness. Consider your favourite logos, brands and companies.

Are they all similar to? They all have one thing in common: they make you feel something, and you want to purchase what they are selling.

There’s emotional branding and psychology color. You may need to use certain colors and emotions depending on the niche you are in and the industry that you work in to get the right emotions out of your customers.

Marketing is only as good as its impact. Your brand’s way of saying “This is how I can help you!” with marketing campaigns.

Consider a book you are interested in or a trailer for a movie. As you read the summary of the book or saw glimpses of the movie trailer, you probably became more curious. Curiosity is the key to effective campaigns, also known as a warm lead.

Think about your customers when planning marketing. What would I do if I were a consumer looking to solve the problem? Next, execute your vision.

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4. Foster genuine relationships within your network

Before you make any connections, ask yourself the following question: Do I really feel connected to this person or am I just looking for something from them?

Energy is something I believe in. People will also feel it if they are constantly taking from others, but not wanting to give back.

I have always wanted to build a genuine, authentic friendship with everyone I meet, regardless of who they are, whether they be celebrities, journalists, or producers. Remember to be humble and to have genuine heart-to-soul connections as you travel.

Recently, Jay, a public relations and branding specialist, joined me to record my podcast The Jackie Minsky show. Our genuine desire to help others was the one thing that truly connected us.

Things can feel a bit pretentious or disingenuous in today’s world. Jay and I share a saying that we remind each other to play the long game.

You will attract and find others who care more about you if you show compassion for people. You should never let others succeed by taking shortcuts.

Never lose sight of your values and morals for the sake of success. Impact and longevity are the true measure of success.

5. The long game

When you think of sports, there are many players. Many of the greatest sports heroes have lost a few matches. Chances are, they learned more and focused on their craft after losing a game.

You may lose clients along the way to success. Sometimes you will have to decline opportunities that aren’t right for you. But remember your core purpose and why you are here. You will keep moving forward if you know your purpose and continue to play the long game.

Nitin Jangir

I am a web developer. I like to make web UI designs. I am used to listening to music.