How to increase willpower! Willpower is Overrated

How to increase willpower

Willpower is the ability to control your thoughts and behavior. You can have “good” willpower–or bad, depending on whether you choose to use it for good or evil. To develop a stronger level of willpower, the first step is to identify a goal that’s worth pursuing and then commit to ensuring that it happens.

Here are 7 tips to increase willpower, which can help us make better decisions and see things through to completion. These aren’t exhaustive, but they’re a great place to start.

Introduction of How to increase willpower

I used to be a big fan of exercise and healthy eating. But then I got lazy, and now I don’t have time for either one. So here are some tips on how to make changes easier and harder:

1. Make changes easy to implement and hard to avoid

You can’t afford to be lazy when it comes to your health. In fact, you need to make changes easy and hard at the same time. If eating healthy is something that’s difficult for you because of social pressure, then that’s okay! It might take some time for people around you to start making the connection between what they eat and how their bodies feel, but if this is something important enough for them—and it should be!—then let them see exactly how much healthier their lives will become once they start following these simple guidelines:

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables (not just salads)
  • Move more often than sitting at a desk all day long

2. Focus on your identity

One of the most important things you can do is focus on your identity. This is the core of who you are, and it’s what makes up your character, self-esteem and self-worth. If someone has a strong identity in their life (or if they don’t), it will affect everything else in their life—including how much weight they gain or lose!

Identifying with yourself as someone whose body can grow into whatever size it wants to be without any help from outside sources like food or exercise will help guide you towards making healthy choices.

3. Quitting soft drinks

If you’re struggling to eat healthier or exercise regularly, try quitting soft drinks. Soft drinks are full of sugar, so they can be a lot harder to give up than other foods. Instead of drinking soda, try drinking water or tea instead. You can also replace your diet sodas with fruit juice if you don’t want anything sweet yet still want something refreshing after dinner or during lunchtime when you’re craving something fizzy.

4. Burning more calories

Calories are a measure of energy. They’re measured in kilojoules (kJ), and the more you burn, the better. If you want to lose weight, burning more calories than those consumed is key. However, this isn’t always possible—if your diet consists mainly of junk food and fast food, it will be difficult for you to cut back on your calorie intake enough to make a difference in terms of body composition or weight loss. But not impossible.

When discussing ways to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle as an adult with health issues like diabetes or high blood pressure, most people think first about cutting down on their total daily caloric intake by making healthier choices at restaurants like Subway rather than ordering takeout every weeknight after work—but this doesn’t help them reach their goals when they’ve already reached over 2 million kJ per day! So what does?

5. Working out in the morning

Working out in the morning can be a great way to get your day off to a good start. Morning exercise is associated with better moods and less stress, which means you’ll be more likely to stick with your new routine.

You’ll also be able to workout when it’s cooler outside, which means less sweating and more time outdoors! And finally, working out in the morning leaves time for breakfast before work or school—a meal that will help fuel your body and keep you fueled throughout the day.

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6. Eating more greens

  • Eat more greens.
  • A salad is a great way to get your daily dose of vegetables, right? Try adding some spinach or broccoli to your salad and you’ll be on the right track.
  • If you’re still having trouble eating enough produce every day, consider adding some protein-rich nuts or seeds—they’re great sources of healthy fats that can help keep hunger at bay while satisfying cravings for something crunchy!

7. Working out in the morning

  • Make it easier to get up and go: If you’re finding it hard to get out of bed each morning, try setting a consistent time for exercising. You might want to start with something simple like going for a walk or taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Or maybe you could try doing some light stretching exercises before heading out of your door—that way, when you leave the house in the morning, your mind will be clear and ready for exercise!


Like any change, it’s important that you keep in mind the reason for your efforts. Make sure you are doing this because you want to improve the way your body looks and feels—not just because someone else told you it would be good for your health. In order to be successful with any diet plan, it’s important to make sure that you’re eating enough food so that hunger doesn’t become an issue while on this journey.

Olabode Chioma

I'm a 20-year-old graduate of Anchor University by the name of Olabode Chioma. My passion is cooking, but I also read political science and study of international relations. I also enjoy teaching, writing recipes, and trying out new things. I work as a chef because cooking is essentially my field of interest. I enjoy teaching others new cooking techniques and serving people the best meals I can make by encouraging them to be creative with their food.