HoW to MainTain HealThy HAir

HealThy HAir

Hair is one of the most important things in our lives. It protects our scalp, gives us style and confidence, and can make or break a picture-perfect selfie. But what if you don’t have healthy hair? If your strands are dry and frizzy or they fall out easily when you wash them…

how to maintain healthy hair

it’s time to get back on track with some simple tips that will help keep your locks looking good longer:

How to maintain healthy hair

Ditch the heat tools

  • Use heat tools sparingly(thriftily, small quantities)
  • Use a heat protectant spray before you put your hair under the dryer or iron it.
  • Avoid flat irons and curling irons if possible, as they can damage your strands, especially if you use them multiple times in one day. Instead, try using a blow dryer with a diffuser attachment to reduce frizz and flyaways.

Use Cold water

It’s a fact: cold water is better for your hair than hot. When you wash it with warm water, you’re opening up the cuticles and can damage them—which makes them weaker and more likely to break down. But when you use cold water (as opposed to lukewarm or tepid), it closes the cuticles over time, making them more durable and keeping them from getting damaged from heat.

Best shampoo, conditioner

  • Use a sulfate-free shampoo.
  • Use a conditioner with protein.
  • Use a deep conditioner every few weeks, but not more than once per month.
  • Use moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to keep your hair healthy and hydrated all day long! If you have thick hair that gets oily easily, try using an oil based product like coconut oil or avocado oil instead of waterless shampoos and conditioners (which can cause dryness). The trick is finding one that works for you specific needs – there are so many options out there now!
  • Dry Shampoo: When it comes down to it though, dry shampoo is still the best way for most people because it’s fast acting and easy-to-use; just spray it on roots before bedtime then brush through afterwards so no messes have time getting into your pillowcase etc..

Add a scalp treatment to your routine.

Scalp treatments can be used to treat dandruff, dry scalp and itchy scalp. They can also be used to treat hair loss, oily scalp and scalp infections. Our hair has many layers

How to maintain healthy hair because our hair says lots of things about us.

Use hot oil hair masks every week or two

Hot oil hair masks are one of the best ways to moisturize and nourish your scalp, as well as add shine and volume. They also help prevent split ends because they promote blood circulation, which keeps hair healthy. To use a hot oil hair mask:

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of extra-virgin olive oil with 3 tablespoons of honey. The mixture should be warm enough to melt the honey without becoming too hot or sticky (about 105°F).
  • Put on a shower cap or towel, then cover your head with it for 10 minutes or until absorbed into the skin—don’t worry if you feel some heat from time to time! Leave on for at least 20 minutes before rinsing off completely.

Keep your long hair trimmed

One of the most important things to do to keep your hair healthy is to trim it regularly. Regular trims can help reduce split ends and make your hair grow faster, so it’s definitely worth the time spent on this.

If you have long hair, you should be able to commit at least once every six weeks in order for your stylist to see what kind of progress you are making in terms of growth.

There are two ways that people usually go about trimming their long locks:

Either by cutting them themselves


Letting someone else do it for them (usually referred as “salon services”).

While both methods may seem similar at first glance, there are some differences between them that could impact how much progress gets made overall—and who knows? Maybe one day soon we’ll all be able get our own personal barber instead!

How To Maintain Healthy Hair Whether It’s Frizzy, Straight, Oily, Dry, We All Have The Same Structure Of Hair

Use coconut oil for hair

Use coconut oil before and after washing your hair.

You don’t have to be a vegan to enjoy the benefits of coconut oil. The oil can also be used as a leave-in conditioner, as an alternative to another styling product (for example, if you’re using heat styling tools), or even as a deep conditioning treatment for your hair.

Coconut oil is rich in vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium and vitamin E which are all beneficial for healthy hair growth. Coconut water is full of electrolytes that help hydrate dry scalp so it’s important not only apply this nourishing substance but also sip on some cool water afterwards!

Don’t wash your hair every day.

  • Don’t wash your hair every day. Washing your hair every day can cause it to become brittle, dry and dull-looking. If you must wash it more than once a week, use dry shampoo on the days that you don’t wash it because this will help keep the oils in your scalp healthy and prevent breakage.
  • Use a heat protector when blow drying or flat ironing at home instead of using hot tools every time you want to style your mane (this way you’ll be able to avoid damaging them).

Taking the time to care for your hair can make a big difference in how healthy it looks and feels

Take the time to care for your healthy hair.

  • Healthy hair can make you look younger and feel younger, no matter your age. It’s not just about style or looks—it’s also about health. Your body is connected to your hair in many ways: if you have healthy-looking locks, it will help keep your heart healthy and reduce stress levels. The same goes for the rest of your body!

Foods for healthy hair

Eat your vitamins

The first step to maintaining healthy hair is to eat a balanced diet.

This means eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, including dark leafy greens like kale and spinach, as well as other nuts and seeds such as almonds, walnuts and flaxseeds. You should also include protein sources such as fish, eggs or dairy products in your daily diet.

In addition to eating healthy foods that are rich in vitamins A, C and E (carotenoids), it’s important to drink plenty of water every day because dehydration can cause premature greying or loss of coloration in hair follicles—this happens when there aren’t enough nutrients reaching the affected area of your scalp through blood circulation due to compromised kidneys or liver function!

Taking supplements if needed can help boost levels back up again too since they contain additional amounts necessary for optimal growth potentials within each strand.”

How to Maintain Healthy Hair, Revealing my healthy hair care Secret (बस इतना करलो बाल नहीं झड़ेगे)

Apply the oil(mustard oil,coconut oil)  after heating it slightly

A good diet is very important, omega-3(Flax seeds, flaxseed oil), protein

Hair should be wipe gently with a towel

keep the dryer 6 inches away from the hair

wet hair should not be combed

Maximum, 3 times shampoo in a week

Plant aloe vera in your home, and use it

Wet hair should not be tied

Do not comb wet hair

Use Mask – curd + honey + egg

don’t take the stress


Now you know how to keep your hair healthy and in tip-top shape. Taking care of your hair is important, so don’t forget to do it! These tips should help you achieve beautiful, healthy locks for years to come.

Manisha Jangid

I'm Manisha Jangid and I just completed MBA, I have the best knowledge about marketing, which instantly connects me with brands and advertisers. I am always rich to work with brands where I can look forward to working daily on something new and creative.