10 Types of Musical Activities for Kids

10 Types of Musical Activities for Kids

A kid’s day is filled with activities and play, but that activity should not fall short of music.

Music games for children are a great way of teaching them about different music genres. Music can be calming and nourishing. Exposing your child music from different genres, such as classical, hip-hop and pop, can encourage them to take up the hobby and maybe even make it a career.

Research suggests that music can have a positive impact on children’s minds. Research suggests that musical training can help a child’s brain develop faster.

This can add fun and frolic to their regular games every day.

Below is a list of musical games that kids can play.

Easy Music Games for Children.

Usually, dancing is part of the idea of having fun with music. But is dancing the only option? Well, no. Continue reading to learn more.

10 Types of Musical Activities for Kids

Music is the best way to enhance and entertain your kids. The thought of researching fun musical activities that are perfect for kids sounds exciting and enjoyable. You can simply put on a favorite song and when you see your child’s face light up, you will wonder how you lived without that.

Consistent music listening develops character traits like confidence and self-esteem, improves cognitive functions like memory, attention and motor skills, stimulates academic performance and enhances social skills.

1. Create your own music

This is a great idea that can be used in music classes. This game will encourage your child to be interested in music in a fun, entertaining way.

You will require:

  • Paper sheets
  • Color pens

How do you play:

You can create symbols to denote the sounds they represent. A star symbol can be used to signify ‘clap’. A circle signifies ‘stomp your feet’. A triangle signifies ‘hit the table’. A square indicates ‘snap you fingers’.

These instructions should be placed on a board. Then, ask the children to create their own music using the symbols.
Let the children show their music on the board, while the rest of the group follows the ‘notes to create the music.

They will clap, snap, and clap before jumping up and down and hitting the desks …!. All of it will be music to the ears!

2. Music masterpiece

This game combines the best of both art and music to help children discover their talents. This game is best played in groups or classrooms.

You will require:

  • A music player or computer
  • Paper sheets
  • For students, color pens and pencils

How do you play:

Each student should be given a sheet of paper with color pencils.

Encourage students to draw when the music is playing and stop when it stops.

Move to another desk and start drawing on the sheet.

Ask them to continue until you tell them to stop.

They return to their desks at the end and view the final product.

Notice – These instructions can be placed on a chart large enough for children to see.

3. Yes/no game

This warm-up game works well with choir groups or just music students at schools.

You will require:

  • Space for play

How do you play:

Conductors are parents or teachers who will start by introducing a few rhythmic or musical phrases that the children must repeat.

Replace the notes with either ‘Yes’ (or ‘No’). In the same rhythmic manner, the children will need to repeat the opposite of what you have said.

If you sing “No, No, No, Yes, No, Yes, Yes, No, No, Yes, No, Not”, then the children will need to sing “yes”, yes, yes.

To make it fun and confusing for your children, you can either use one word or combine the words.

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4. Musical hide and seek

Musical hide and seek, Music games for kids Save.

This game of musical hide-and-seek is played with objects. It is an excellent tool for helping your child to improve his listening skills.

You will require:

A musical device or toy


How do you play:

The object of the game is to get the child to listen to the music and find the toy.

Turn on the music and place the toy somewhere that the child can find.

You can keep the toy hidden and make it more complicated every time.

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It is a great way to improve your child’s listening skills.

5. The passing game

Passing is a fun party activity that engages kids for a long period of time.

You will require:

Gifts or packages

Wrapping paper

Small toys and chocolates

How to Play:

As many layers as you can to wrap the package. The more layers you have, the better the package will be for the game.

Place a bit of toffee between each layer.

Place the children in a circle. They pass the parcel to the children when the music begins. They stop when the music stops.

To see if he receives a gift, the child who holds the parcel should remove one layer.

The child is now gone and the others continue playing.

You can play the game until all layers have been unwrapped. You can also have multiple parcels, and you can play until only one person remains.

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6. Reading from a musical chair

This is a variation on the regular musical chairs party-game. It can be played in class to encourage reading and recitation.

You will require:




How do you:

Choose an activity you want everyone to do and take turns. One option is to read from a book or solve a math problem on a blackboard.

Play the music and arrange the chairs in a circular manner.

Children should be encouraged to walk for as long as music is playing, and then they should sit down in the nearest chair once the music stops.

If the music stops, the kid left standing must read a para from a book or solve the math problem.

This is a great way to select students for an activity.

7. What is that sound?

What does the sound of the guitar make? What’s the sound of a cello? This game will help your child identify the sounds of various instruments.

You will require:

Music player

Different instruments

How do you play:

First, listen to the sounds of various instruments.

Play a simple song that has distinct sounds and ask your children to identify the instruments.

Playing songs with non-distinct sounds can make each level more difficult.

8. Music trivia

Musical trivia, Music games for kids Save

A quiz about music? It’s possible! Trivia questions about musical notes and tunes can be used as a fun activity for music classes. It could be as simple as asking trivia questions about musical notes or songs.

You will require:

Answer a series of questions


How do you play:

This could be an individual or team event.

Divide the children into groups when playing at school or parties. You could give them names that are inspired by composers.

This could be used to revise music lessons or give gifts to children who are able to answer the questions correctly.

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9. Turn the microphone

Spin the mic, like spin the bottle is a chance game you can customize in any way that suits your needs. You can make it a trivia or karaoke game, or play truth-or-dare.

You will require:

A functional microphone, preferable wireless

You can make a list of activities that you want your children to try.

How to Play:

Place the microphone in the middle of the circle.

One child can spin the mic.

The mic should stop spinning when it stops.

This could be made into an elimination game, where one person moves out of the circle and is replaced by another.

10. Antakshari

Antakshari, a popular parlor game in India and the Middle East is played in teams. This involves singing Bollywood and regional songs.

However, you can modify the rules to include any song you want.

You will require:

Play in a safe area

Microphone (optional).

How to Play:

It is important to establish clear rules in order to play the game without any problems.

The moderator will choose a letter from the alphabet to start the game. The moderator will pick a letter from the alphabet to start the game.

The next team must sing a song that begins with the consonant the song of the first team ends with.

Each team must then sing a song that begins with the consonant the previous song ended with.

Failure to do so can result in points being lost for the team.

The team with more points wins. To make the game more interesting, you can create different versions. You can make the game more challenging by having different levels or rounds where children must sing songs from a specific genre, a certain generation, or a particular band.


Kaylie is a lifestyle content writer, writing coach, and the blogger behind lightontech.