Natural ways to stay Healthy during Pregnancy

Stay Healthy during Pregnancy

Audra Meadows MD, MPH is an obstetrician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital who helps patients improve their health during, and after, pregnancy. Here are 19 tips by Dr. Meadows that will help you have a Natural way to Stay Healthy during Pregnancy.

At the time of pregnancy, women are very conscious and we have brought some measures to keep them in mind so that they can take care of themselves better.

Natural Ways to Stay Healthy during Pregnancy

1. Yoga is good for baby

At the beginning of pregnancy, women are nervous, due to which there is tension and anxiety, that is why women should do yoga. Yoga gives peace and relaxation as well as removes stress and nervousness. Yoga also helps in the development of the baby during pregnancy.

2. Wear loose fitting clothes

Comfortable clothes should be worn so that you do not feel uncomfortable. Clothes should be worn according to the season. Tight clothes drain energy

3. Do not use medicine without a doctor’s advice

If a woman is already suffering from someone’s disease and her medicine is going on and she becomes pregnant, then during that time she must consult a doctor and tell about her old medicines. so that there is no problem in future

4. Don’t wear high heels

If there is a fear of falling from high heels, then avoid it and be comfortable. High heels stress them.

5. Do not lift heavy/Body Awareness

When you bend to lift heavy weights, your angle may be wrong and children may be in trouble, so you should avoid it.

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6. Start walking

Walking is also good for a normal man. And during pregnancy is good for the health of both the baby and the mother.

  • Blood pressure and strengthens the heart
  • Strong Up Your Bones
  • Enjoy a Longer Life
  • Lose Weight
  • Strengthen Muscles
  • Improve Sleep
  • Support Your Joints
  • Boosts immune function
  • Boost your energy
  • Helps reduce back pain
  • Helps relieve constipation
  • Reduces the need for cesarean delivery
  • Reduces the risk of gestational diabetes
  • Reduces the risk of preeclampsia
  • Helps prevent excess weight gain
  • Reduces the risk of blood clots
  • Promotes postpartum weight loss
  • Hydrate yourself
  • Improve Your positive Mood

7. Pay more attention to cleanliness

It is necessary to be safe from germs, to avoid them, you must keep cleanliness.

8. Healthy foods are important

Pregnant women need to eat healthy foods. For your baby to grow strong and healthy in the womb, nutrients are essential. Consume lots of colorful fruits, vegetables, whole grains, calcium rich foods, and foods low in saturated oil. Avoid chili spices completely

9. Prenatal vitamins should be taken on a daily basis

Prenatal multivitamins can be taken daily to ensure that you are getting the essential nutrients you and your baby require during pregnancy. These nutrients include calcium, iron, and folic acid.

10. Keep hydrated

Everyone knows that about 70% of our body is made up of water. The human body needs about 7-8 liters of water in summer and 4-5 liters of water in winter.

Pregnant women need more water than ever before. Each day, aim for eight to ten cups.

  • Don’t wait till you’re thirsty to drink and keep drinking water in 1-2 hour
  • Flavor your water
  • Eat water-rich fruits and vegetables
  • Be aware of the signs of dehydration

11. Visit your prenatal care visit or Keep checking up with the doctor

Regular prenatal care should be provided by a healthcare provider to women. Regular prenatal care is essential for women who have low birth weights or other health problems. Consider group prenatal care if you are able.

(Weeks 4 to 28 of pregnancy period)Go for one checkup every 4 weeks (once a month).
(Weeks 28 to 36 of pregnancy period )Go for one checkup every 2 weeks (twice a month).
(Weeks 36 to 41 of pregnancy period) Go for one checkup every week (once a week).

12. Avoid certain foods

There are certain foods that women should avoid eating while pregnant. Don’t eat:

  • Raw or rare meats
  • Liver, sushi, raw eggs (also in mayonnaise)
  • Soft cheeses (feta, brie)
  • Unpasteurized milk
  • do not eat fast food.
  • Don’t eat more hot things.
  • Don’t even eat pungent masala

Raw and unpasteurized animal products can cause food poisoning. Some fish, even when cooked, can be harmful to a growing baby because they’re high in mercury.

13. Don’t drink alcohol

Avoid alcohol consumption during pregnancy, as well as while you are breastfeeding. The risk of having a baby diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome (FASD) is higher if you drink alcohol. FASD can lead to abnormal facial features, learning disabilities, and behavioral problems.

In the early stages of pregnancy, alcohol can have a negative impact on a baby’s health. This is before a woman even knows she is pregnant. Women who are pregnant should avoid alcohol.

Tips:- Take the pleasure of being a mother and live this time to the fullest. The happier you are, the more your child will benefit and protect from diseases.

14. Don’t smoke

Smoking can be harmful to your unborn baby and you. Smoking increases your risk of sudden infant mortality syndrome (SIDS), premature births, miscarriage, and other adverse outcomes.

15. Get moving

You can stay healthy during pregnancy by getting active or doing daily exercise. Talk to your doctor about the best amount of physical activity for you.

16. Get the flu shot

Flu can make pregnant women very sick and may increase the risk of complications for their babies. A flu shot can help you protect yourself from serious illness and your baby’s health after birth. Get a flu shot from your doctor.

17. Sleep well

For you and your baby, it is vital to get enough sleep (7 to 9 hours). To improve blood flow, you should sleep on your left side.

18. Reduce stress/Less Tension

For better birth outcomes, it is important to reduce stress. Stressful situations should be avoided by pregnant women. Your loved ones can help you manage stress.

19. You should plan when you want to become pregnant

Dr. Meadows says, “If you choose to get pregnant when you feel your best, it increases your chances for a healthy pregnancy.”

This means that mothers should ensure that they are in good mental health before becoming pregnant.

Premature births are more common in mothers who have their children too early (before 16 years of age) or too late (after 40). Premature babies are also more common in women who get pregnant too quickly.

20. Peace of Mind

The feeling of being protected in what God has given you will give you more peace of mind.

21. Enhance Immunity

Dr Vikas Jangid

Vikas holds a PhD in nano-technology from Aix Marseille University, France and dual Masters in Functionalized Advance Materials Engineering from Germany and France. He has obtained a bachelor’s degree in Material Science from India’s leading research institute: The Indian Institute of Science. Since high school, Vikas developed an appetite in research and since then he has never looked back. For his doctorate thesis, he has worked in development of third-generation of solar cell using plasmonic nano-materials and molecular electronics.