12 Tips to Simplify Your Life Today

10 Tips to Simplify Your Life Today

Simplifying your life can be a whole lot of fun, but it also requires some effort. We’ve spent the last few months testing and evaluating the best ways to simplify your life today. We’ve collected 12 on-the-go tips to help you simplify your work, simplify your life, and simplify well!

12 Tips to Simplify Your Life Today

Simplifying your life can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. You’re worth it! Here are 12 Tips to Simplify Your Life Today and better manage your time and energy.

1. Reduce your home’s size

It is possible to simplify your life by downsizing your house if you are able. Large homes require large expenditures and a lot of energy to maintain. If you don’t maintain your home, it will become more chaotic and disorganized, increasing your anxiety and frustration. It’s not necessary to stress about it.

You could sell your house and move into a smaller property with fewer overhead and expenses. This is a great opportunity to move into a smaller home that is closer to work. It may also be less expensive and more convenient. However, it will reduce the commute time. You’ll be able to spend more time at home, whether you are working on important things or spending time with your family.

2. Avoid extraneous expenses

Benjamin Franklin once stated, “Beware small expenses.” A small leak can sink a great vessel.” It’s easy to accumulate expenses month after month and forget about the tiny charges on your statement. This only increases the complexity and confusion in our lives.

It’s easy for extraneous costs to slip by the wayside, such as that gym membership you forgot about or that magazine subscription that you didn’t have time to cancel.

It’s much easier to simplify your finances if you avoid unnecessary expenses and don’t allow them to become part of your financial life. It’s not necessary to worry or fret about things you have been avoiding cancelling or ignoring. But it isn’t just monthly memberships that should be avoided, it’s also those late-night-infomercial buys. These get-rich-quick schemes and fad weight-loss plans won’t work for us in the future. Avoid them like the plague.

3. Hold a garage sale

A garage sale is a great way to get rid of excess stuff in your home. You can organize or list everything you are looking to sell. You can get rid of things that you have neglected or ignored and kept in boxes for many years. If you are unsure if something should be thrown out, you can check if it’s been worn in the last year. Or, ask yourself, if you went shopping today, would you purchase it again.

You’ll feel a sense of relief when you clear out your house and hold a garage sale. Each item you sell will help you to cleanse your soul. It is very empowering to let go of possessions and sell them to someone who can use them.

It can be tempting to keep things and hope you will use them in the future. However, it is best to let go of these items and sell them to others who might actually benefit from them.

4. Slow down, enjoy your life

We live chaotic lives, racing from one place to the next, trying to stay afloat in a hectic world. Sometimes it can be frustrating and stressful. It seems like there is always so much to do and so many people to take care of, including our families, friends, finances and family.

It is possible to take a few moments to enjoy the moment . This will not only give you sound mind but also provide emotional stability. It’s much easier to return to the work that is important and to do the things that really matter. This not only makes our lives easier, but also makes us happier and more healthy.

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5. Get rid of clutter

Studies show that clutter can reduce our ability to concentrate. Too much clutter in our homes and offices can hinder our ability to achieve our goals. Through subconscious mind interactions, it helps us to divert our attention in subtle and subtle ways. It is easy to get distracted and not realize the source. Disorganized clutter can be a trigger to allow us to wander off-track in our lives.

Take 15 minutes every day to organize if you struggle with organization. The first day, focus on one drawer. Next day, you can focus on one drawer. To organize your paperwork, you can either purchase a filing system or small boxes that you can label to store things.

You can organize your basement or attic by removing unnecessary items and identifying sentimental items you would like to keep.

6. Keep your eyes on the Pareto Principle

It is easy to let all the stressors in your life get in the way. When we consider all the things on our to-do lists, it’s easy to lose sight of what is important. How can we simplify our lives when everything seems so complicated? The Pareto Principle or the 80/20-Rule is one way to simplify your life. It states that 20% of the effort results in 80% of the results.

This means that 20% of your income comes from 20% of your efforts. In other words, you only need 2 hours to generate the majority of your income in a 10-hour work day.

This means that 20% of your sales will come from 20% clients. This is a fairly universally-applicable law. What is the point? Focus on the efforts that produce the greatest results to simplify your life and your work. Once you have identified them, scale up. It will also allow you to make more money while working less.

7. Avoid multitasking

Multitasking is a common feature of our society. Multitasking can lead to more complications than it simplifies. Multitasking is best avoided.

Concentrate on the task at hand and do your best. Do not skimp on this task. It’s easy to become distracted if you try to do too much at once. If you get distracted, you will need to go back and correct something you did not do correctly.

To make sure you are able to concentrate on one task at the time, use an efficient time-management system. Do not try to do too many things at once. You don’t have to take on too much. You can also use the time-management system to decide where and how to spend your time to achieve the best long-term results.

8. Reduce or eliminate your debt

Modern society is full of debt. We’re not only talking about good debt like mortgages and home improvements loans, but also bad debt. There is simply too much credit-card and revolving debt that is being used to buy impulse items, vacations and shiny-objects. Too much debt can be not only financially taxing, but also emotionally and mentally draining.

Reduce and eliminate all debt if you want to simplify life. You can live within your means, and you should use your income to pay off your debt. This will allow you to start using your income for education, investments, and other worthwhile causes. Eliminating debt is a must, especially when dealing with credit cards and high-interest loans that can eat away at your disposable income.

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9. Help others

Many people live in a state of complete lack. It hurts me to think about it. When I think about my problems, I am reminded of people who are in real pain, suffering oppression and violence, and receiving cruel treatment. People who don’t have enough money, food, shelter, or a roof over their heads are all things that come to mind.

It’s a great feeling to give back to others. Don’t feel pressured to donate money. Don’t worry if you don’t have the money. You can donate your time or money to a worthy cause in your locality, or remotely. You will be able to see the value of simple things in your life, which we often take for granted until it is taken away from you.

10. Aim for one major goal at once

You probably already know that I am a big believer in goal setting. Set major goals, and then follow through with your plan and consistent daily action. However, major goals can be overwhelming. This can make our lives more complicated than it helps to simplify. It is better to focus on one goal at a given time. No matter what your goal, if it is major it will likely consume most of your time.

You will build momentum towards your goal and eventually achieve it. Next, you can set the next big goal. It will make you feel more accomplished and mentally sharper if you believe that you can accomplish anything. This will help you to lessen the pressure that comes with chasing large goals. It’s easier to keep your eyes on one goal and not lose sight of the prize.

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11. Avoid negative thinking

Negativity is a problem that plagues modern society. It allows people to justify their actions using a fictitious belief system. Although negative thinking needs to be eradicated, it is unlikely that it will ever be eliminated for a long time.

Negative thinking can be a problem because hate takes more energy than love. It takes more energy to be angry or resentful toward someone than it does to forgive them and love them.

Negative thinking can also be a self-fulfilling prophecy. It festers and grows as it becomes more habitual. It is easy to spend hours surrounded by negative, fear-based thoughts.

This causes stress, anxiety, and a host of other physical ailments. Negative thinking can be avoided by doing whatever you need. For those who are looking to achieve lofty goals and bring back the most fundamental aspects of their lives, there is no place for negativity.

12. Increase me-time by reducing screen time

Our screens are a common place we spend so much time. It’s often not time that is productive, but it’s just time wasted. It’s a bad habit to visit the same sites repeatedly and waste a lot of time on irrelevant nonsense.

There’s nothing wrong in surfing the internet, checking social media or reading blogs. But make sure you don’t spend too many hours looking at screens. Instead, spend more time doing what you love away from screens.

Technology can be a friend, but also a curse. It’s everywhere, and has made life easier through enhanced communication, information gathering, commerce, and entertainment. However, it can also take us away from the things we love. Spend some time with friends, reading, painting, walking in a park, and having a conversation by fireside. It will be a gift for your future self.


I am a Marine Engineer. I am a nature lover. Nature is best in its purest form. Binding with nature has opened my mind to such levels that books and classrooms could not. The more creative thinking comes when you are at peace with nature. I like to listen to others thoughts and share mine with them. I like to Support & Motivate people and have been doing that successfully. I believe good deeds are considered good when you don't take the credit for it.