5 Best Trends that will Shift Edge Computing Industry

5 Best Trends that will Shift Edge Computing Industry

Precedence Research predicts that the global edge computing market will reach USD 116.5 billion in 2030. This is an increase of 12.46% during the 2022-2030 forecast period. These are the 5 best trends you should be aware of.

5 Best Trends


The Internet of Things (IoT) is undoubtedly the fastest growing group of edge computing devices. It is predicted that by 2025, the number of smart devices will quadruple. This expansion will significantly enhance edge computing’s capabilities. Edge computing might be more effective if IoT usage is increased. This could help lower latency.

Customer Experience

Edge computing can be used to improve customer experience. This is one of the most innovative areas in which edge computing can be applied. Edge computing’s lower latency may allow businesses to offer the best customer experience.

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Cybersecurity is becoming more important as we enter 2022. This includes cloud computing and artificial intelligence. IoT, 5G and other emerging technologies have their cybersecurity vulnerabilities. These potential dangers can be countered by edge computing.

Traditional, centrally managed data storage and networking give attackers a single target. Edge computing is a way to diversify and strengthen the network’s security.

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Healthcare Edge Computing

Since IoT adoption has been at its forefront, it makes perfect sense that the healthcare industry is leading-edge computing technologies.

Large hospitals have discovered that it is more efficient to keep data from medical sensors, electronic health records and digital imaging equipment on site than sending it off to the cloud.

Safety at work

Edge computing is a convenient and important advantage in the oil and gas sector. Edge computing may make it possible to track and fix these anomalies and problems faster than ever before. This is similar to edge computing in healthcare, which could save thousands of lives.

Annelise Lords

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