Top 10 Best Automation Artificial Intelligence Companies

Top 10 Best Automation Artificial Intelligence Companies

In this technology-driven world artificial intelligence is rapidly gaining ground in the business sector. Each top AI company, from Google and Amazon to Apples and Microsoft, is striving to be the leader in this field. The creation of new Artificial Intelligence companies is possible through business acquisitions or in-house AI development.

This allows for access to many AI applications. In the next years, the demand for autonomous vehicles and the adoption of advanced solutions for traffic management will drive the growth of automotive AI companies.

Top 10 Best Automation Artificial Intelligence Companies

Automotive AI companies use AI applications at many critical stages such as manufacturing, design, supply chain and post-production. These are the top ten automotive artificial intelligence companies you need to know by 2023.

Argo AI

Argo AI, which is headquartered in Pittsburg (Pennsylvania), is ranked #1 among the top automotive AI companies. Bryan Salesky and Peter Rander (both veterans of Uber and Google’s automated driving programs), co-founded Argo AI in 2016. Ford is collaborating with the company to launch pilots in these two cities.

This includes integration with Lyft’s ride-hailing platform and a Walmart grocery delivery program. A spokesperson said that the driverless operations would eventually be integrated with its commercial partners.


Nvidia began its humble beginnings using GPUs. It has grown to become a multinational American technology company. Flexible nature is what has allowed it to grow rapidly in the IT industry. Nvidia’s quick adaptability has allowed it to earn a place among the automotive AI companies. Nvidia is known for its bold decisions to disrupt future automotive industry.

Tesla Inc

Tesla has been a dominant player in AI and has made it a topic of conversation around the globe. All of its success stories, from its CEO to its electric vehicles, are making headlines.

Tesla Inc. is among the youngest companies in the automotive industry. Tesla is working hard to combine the software and automotive industries to create the best possible combination.

Intel Corporation

Intel Corporation is a well-known company because of its chip-making technology. The company now offers data centers, IoT and smart driving solutions. The company has challenged the status quo in various industries since 1968 to find better solutions.

The market for automotive artificial intelligence companies is growing worldwide thanks to Intel’s flexible, adaptable, and scalable solutions. It is one of the top automotive AI companies for 2023.

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Microsoft is a major tech company due to its broad range of products. Microsoft is present in every sector of the IT industry, from Operating Systems to tablets. It was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.

Microsoft is the dominant company in the automotive artificial intelligence market. It is a company that focuses on the problems of its users and then creates industry-leading solutions.


Waymo, an American multinational company, was discovered in 2009. It is part of Alphabet Inc. It is well-known in the market for automotive artificial intelligence companies. It continues to work on new simulations in order to improve the project.

This top-ranked artificial intelligence company plans everything, from the transportation of goods to the transport of people.


IBM is a well-known brand in the global software market. IBM is a well-respected brand in the global software industry. It has expanded its reach into many markets thanks to its many years of expertise and experience. It is currently focusing on the automotive market for artificial intelligence companies.

Its eco-friendly efforts are also a hot topic at international levels. It was ranked among the top 10 automotive AI companies.

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Ford Motor

Ford Motor Company is an automotive giant that has always been focused on updating its product line to meet changing times. It is known for satisfying all kinds of customer demands. It is currently working to improve mobility solutions with its 100+ years of expertise.

Micron Technology Inc.

Micron Technology began its journey as a computer storage provider, but it now has diversified into various software sub-segments. Its main goal is to improve safety in the automotive industry.

General Motors

General Motors is another well-known name in the automotive industry. Its innovative ideas helped transform the automotive industry and the way it looks today. Humankind has been able to achieve safer, faster and better mobility solutions through its futuristic vision.


Kaylie is a lifestyle content writer, writing coach, and the blogger behind lightontech.