Benefits of Sunbathing in Winter

Benefits of Sunbathing in Winter or Summer

In the winter or summer months, most of the persons choose to sunbathe to escape the cold and joint pain.

Sunlight not only preserves our body warm, but it also delivers enough vitamin D to the body. The sunlight from the sun gives sufficient vitamin D to our body, which is measured as beneficial for many ins and outs of health.

Benefits of Sunbathing in Winter

Specialists claim that sunlight is also very supportive of fungal infections and various types of diseases. Unstable Vata-Pitta can be adjusted by anger. Let us tell you the benefits of sunbathing in winter or summer: 

Benefits of Sunbathing in Winter and also in Summer

1. Helps in weight loss

Sitting in the sun decreases the cholesterol level in the body, which shows helpful in reducing weight. Sunbathing for around 15 minutes in winter or summer, in the morning(7- 9 am) is said to be better for the body.

2. Provides Vitamin D

The body gets sufficiently vitamin D by sunbathing, which benefits in making bones solid. Along with this, sunbathing also delivers relief from joint pain and body pain caused by cold or by tension in muscles. The pain of cracked bones due to accidents also gives relief from sunbathing.

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3. Treats fungal infection

If it is a slightly kind of fungal infection in the body, then absolutely park yourself in the sun, for the reason that the bacterial infection ends by sitting in the sun. Sunlight is very active in getting relief from skin problems.

4. Good sleep

The melatonin hormone is formed in our body by sunlight. Due to this hormone, we get better and more relaxing sleep. Along with this, it also delivers relief in warning signs of mental stress, and depression.

5. Treats serious diseases

The heats of the sun have the capacity to treat serious disease like jaundice. That’s why by doctors, jaundice patients are recommended to sit in the sun for a while.

6. Stress Relief

The benefits of Sunbathing include relieving stress and anxiety by increasing production of the “feel good” hormone serotonin.

7. Better Mood

The 15-20 minutes of sunlight you take in has a positive effect on your mood.

8. Better Sleep

Sunlight can help regulate your circadian rhythm and improve sleep patterns.

9. Improved skin health

Moderate exposure to sunlight has been shown to strengthen the skin’s protective barrier and potentially reduce the risk of skin cancer.

You need to keep in mind that the time for sunbathing should be only 10-15 minutes and during that time you should use sunscreen.

Excessive sun exposure can cause sunburn, and skin damage, and increase the risk of skin cancer.


  • Sunlight removes bacteria.
  • Sunlight less your blood pressure.
  • Exposure to the sun reduces the risk of cancer.
  • The sun strong your bones.
  • Sunlight improves the quality of your sleep.
  • Sunlights helps to treat successfully skin issues
  • Taking a sunbath boosts your mood.
  • Sunbath help to Boost your immune system.

Sunbathing advice and protections:

  • Apply SPF 30 sunscreen or more and put on it 15 minutes before going in sunlight. Make sure you cover your body in a full scrap of sunscreen.
  • Don’t forget to habit SPF on the upper of your head if it’s not protected by hair, as fine as your hands, feet, and lips.
  • Don’t use sunbathing beds Apart from being risky, most sunbeds hardly contain UVB light to inspire vitamin D production.
  • Took a break in the shadow when you get burning.
  • Drink water if you’re spending a long period of time in the sunlight.
  • Eat tomatoes, which hold a big amount of lycopene, which research Trusted has found helps to stop skin redness from UV rays.

Positive tips: You try to be happy always. Be happy with what you have. You should not compare yourself with others, God has made you unique. Move forward with a positive attitude.

Up to you:

Study shows there can be many benefits of sunbathing in winter or in summer and spending more time in the sun. sunbathing can improve mood, affect better sleep, and help vitamin D production, which makes bones strong and may help to recover from certain diseases.

However, for the reason of the risks related to too much sunbathing, limit your sunbathing time and always apply sunscreen SPF 30 or above. Unprotected sunbathing can affect your skin like, sun rashes, sunburns, and a larger chance of producing melanoma.

Manisha Jangid

I'm Manisha Jangid and I just completed MBA, I have the best knowledge about marketing, which instantly connects me with brands and advertisers. I am always rich to work with brands where I can look forward to working daily on something new and creative.