How can Pets Improve Your Health

How can Pets Improve Your Health

Are you feeling more anxious or down lately? Is your blood pressure climbing despite medication? Pet therapy might be a good option for you. This is no joke.

Scientists have discovered that endorphins are released when you interact with friendly animals.

A pet can provide you with love, compassion, and companionship. Pets can improve your health and reduce stress.

Having pets in the home can relieve anxieties and stress, decrease blood pressure and heart rate, decrease feelings of loneliness and anger, boost self-esteem and sense of well-being by reducing depression, improve immunity by exposing us to more germs early in life.

What is Pet Therapy?

Pet therapy is a way to improve the physical, social and mental well-being of people in treatment or their companions through meaningful human-animal interactions.

The number of studies examining the influence of animal assisted interventions has increased over 50% since 2000, with data demonstrating that clients receiving some form of pet therapy had significantly reduced anxiety, pain and depression ratings.

Formal Therapy

This type of therapy, also known as animal assisted therapy (AAT), involves the use of animals to assist people with mental, physical, and emotional problems. Therapy animals are usually trained to help you, such as comforting you, alerting to danger or physically aiding you with impairments.

This type of AAT involves structured, formal sessions that involve you, your therapy animal, and the handler. These sessions will help you achieve your therapy goals. Many people who are involved in formal animal therapy receive additional counseling and treatment beyond AAT.

Informal Pet Ownership

Structured sessions are not the only way to reap the therapeutic benefits of pet therapy. Pet ownership can offer similar therapeutic benefits, but without the structure, time constraints or involvement of a handler.

What Makes It Work?

The human-animal bond is the basis of animal therapy, formal and informal. In general, humans have a natural desire for interaction with animals and to relate to them. This can lead to a personal or even emotional attachment.

It is that bond that causes endorphins in your system to flood, which promotes calm and blocks pain receptors.

Which Animals are the Most Effective?

How can Pets Improve Your Health

When it comes to specific species, there are no rules. It all depends on what kind of animal you are drawn to and how close you bond with them. People tend to choose cats or dogs over other domesticated animals.

Some people are able to form strong human-pet relationships with fish, horses, guineas, and reptiles.

Fish can be a good friend because of their graceful movements and beauty. Have you ever wondered why they are often found in waiting rooms? Their presence promotes calm.

How can Pets Improve Your Health

1. Boredom Alleviates

When you are spending hours alone, pets can be a great distraction. You are responsible for taking care of your furry (or scaly!) friends.

2. Companionship available

People talk to their pets more than they listen to them. Your pet will always be there for you, even when you are feeling sad or quiet. You can feel a sense unconditional love, which can help you to alleviate loneliness.

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3. Activity increases

Your pet depends on you, as we have already mentioned. Your pet will motivate you to take action even if your mood is low and you are feeling tired. You can’t deny the adorable expression on your pet’s face when he lets go of his leash and comes to you. This is why pet therapy can be so successful.

4. Increase social interaction

Your animal friend can help you to see beyond yourself and the world around. It can help you to be more social with your animal friend by being playful and taking care of them.

5. Boosts mood

Do you remember those endorphins?! Another benefit is mood-boosting. The interaction, whether you are holding your lizard or petting it, improves your mood, increases sociability, and enhances your well-being.

6. Reduces Stress

Do you need stress relief? Stress triggers can be found everywhere, from an emotional phone call to a family member to a new bill. A pet can provide the kind of support that encourages relaxation and peace, regardless of circumstances.

7. It reduces anxiety and depression feelings

You might notice a decrease in stress and loneliness, which could lead to an increase in anxiety and depression symptoms. Pets remind you that even though your loved ones are far away, they still care.

Four Physical Health Benefits of Pet Therapy

1. Lowers blood pressure

Your blood pressure will improve if your mental and stress levels are better. Some people are able to reduce their medication with the supervision of a doctor.

2. Cardiovascular Health Improved

Your cardiovascular health can be improved by a calmer environment and a drop in blood pressure. Pet owners are more likely to exercise which can also help boost heart health.

See more: 7 Simple Ways to Reduce Anxiety

3. Reduces physical pain

Endorphins have calming and pleasant effects, but they also block pain receptors. You’ll notice less overall pain while you feel a boost of positive brain chemistry.

4. Promotes relaxation

Your body can feel the effects of stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders if it is too stressed.

It’s easier to relax physically when you have less stress and a more positive mood. Positive brain activity can calm your body and relax your muscles. This relaxation improves your overall health.


Anjula jangir

Anjula jangir is a teacher and content writer. Her passion for helping people in all aspects current technology, health, fitness and wellness and also in self-development. Her latest work on all these topics for students and for those people who want to stay healthy and develop something new in themselves. She has own youtube channel FOOD CORNER SHORTS