How to Control Diabetes Naturally

How to Control Diabetes Naturally

Home remedies to control diabetes: Diabetes can be caused by insufficient insulin production or when insulin is not being used properly.

What is Diabetes? Types of Diabetes.


Type 1 diabetes, we can also say juvenile diabetes. It is the most severe type of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes. Because type 1 diabetes usually affects children and teens. However, type 1 diabetes can occur in anyone at any age.

Type 2 diabetes, we can also say non-insulin-dependent diabetics, is the most common type of diabetes.

Adult-onset diabetes, also known as type 2, is a form of diabetes that develops after the age of 35. But, type 2 diabetes is becoming more common in younger people. Around 465 million people are diabetic all over the world.

How to Control Diabetes Naturally

1. Regular exercise

Regular exercise can increase insulin sensitivity. This will increase your body’s ability to use the sugar in your bloodstream.

Exercise can help you lose weight. You should regularly check your blood sugar levels if you have problems with your blood sugar control.

2. Dailly Check Blood Sugar Levels

Regularly monitoring and measuring your blood sugar levels can help you decide if you should adjust your diet or medications.

3. Keep a healthy diet

It is important to limit your carb intake. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which raises blood sugar levels. You can reduce your carb intake to help control blood sugar. Consuming sufficient fiber-rich food can also help to control blood sugar.

The best way to control blood sugar is to eat more soluble dietary fiber. Increase your intake of bitter herbs and fresh vegetables.

4. Drink Water

Drinking enough water will help prevent dehydration, and it will also support the kidneys in flushing out toxins through urine.

Regular water intake rehydrates the body, which reduces blood sugar levels and lowers the chance of developing diabetes.

5. Stress Management

Stress has never been a good thing for anyone. Stress can only make things worse. It can also affect blood sugar levels if you have diabetes. Stress hormones such as cortisol and glucagon are released, which in turn can cause blood sugar to spike.

Experts recommend that you exercise regularly or meditate to reduce stress. exercise will help you to manage your stress and ultimately your diabetes.

6. Sleep Proper at night

Get 8 hours of sleep a night. This promotes mental and physical well-being. Poor sleeping habits can lead to low blood sugar and insulin sensitivity.

This could cause weight gain. A healthy sleeping pattern will help you maintain your blood sugar levels and control your weight.

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Home Remedies(Ayurvedic) of Diabetes

How to Control Diabetes Naturally

Image credit to Canva

We now move on to home remedies and Type 2 diabetes treatment. Many diabetics have found Ayurveda to be a helpful tool in managing their blood sugar and avoiding major health problems. Here are some Ayurvedic home remedies to diabetes that you can try:

1. Bitter Gourd

Bitter Gourd is also known as Karela in India. It contains compounds that can reduce hyperglycemia (or the rise in blood sugar). Consuming bitter gourd as a curry or cooked vegetable once per week can help you increase your intake. The raw vegetable can be consumed on an empty stomach.

2. Amla

Amla is one of the richest and most nutritious sources of vitamin C. It is also known to keep blood sugar levels in check.

Raw amla can be consumed every day. You can also mix 1 tablespoon of alma with 1 cup bitter gourd juice to make it a daily drink. Mix 2 tablespoons of alma with 1 cup of water, and then drink it every morning.

3. Mango Leafs

Mango leaves can be used as a home remedy for diabetes management and treatment. Sundry some mango leaves and grind them into a fine powder. You can then consume the powder with water each morning or evening.

4. Fenugreek

An Indian herb that is very common, fenugreek can have many benefits, including improving glucose tolerance and lowering blood sugar levels. It also stimulates the release of glucose dependent insulin.

Powdered fenugreek can be consumed with warm or cold water, or milk every day. To lower your blood glucose, you can soak 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seed in water overnight. You can then drink this water in the morning on an empty stomach.

5. Drumstick leaves

Also known as Moringa, drumstick trees’ leaves are well-known for their ability to increase energy and stabilize blood sugar.

The nutrients in drumstick leaves increase insulin secretion. They are also rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. These leaves can be added to a meal, a salad or steam as spinach.

6. Vitamin D

Numerous studies have demonstrated that low Vitamin D levels can also cause insulin resistance and diabetes. Vitamin D is essential for the body’s production of insulin.

Vitamin D deficiencies can be avoided by getting at least 30 minutes of sun each morning. Vitamin D-rich foods can be included in your daily diet. These include soy milk, orange juice and yoghurt as well as cheese, cheese, and cereals.

Nikita Jangid

Nikita Jangid is a final year student at IIT Roorkee. She's currently pursuing Btech Chemical engineering. She's a technophile person and has a very optimistic approach to any problem. She's interested into problem solving, traveling, interacting with people. In her free time, she could be seen hanging out with Netflix.