How to increase IQ level of Child

How to increase IQ level of Child

Have you ever wondered if you can increase IQ level of a Child? If your child is in a situation where she/he is losing focus, you might want to check out this article!

There’s a big difference between children being smarter and children increasing their IQ. IQ or Brainy Proportion is a quality that makes a child different from other children.

How to increase IQ level of child

All parents want their child to be sharp in reading and writing as well as having a better IQ level. To make the child smart/ clever and brainy, parents keep nourishing almonds, walnuts and sometimes Chyawanprash also, to their child since infants.

But do you know that there is a difference between children being smart, brainy and increasing IQ level in children.

IQ or Brainy Proportion is a quality that makes a child different from other children. The good thing is that there is no age limit to enhance IQ.

Let us discuss here some advice that how parents can enhance their child’s IQ level or how to increase iq of yourself.

1. Busy them with mind games

Play mind games like chess, sudoku and riddles with kids to raise their IQ levels. Such games help in developed the mental health of children.

2. Resolve math questions

Have the child play with tables, or add-and-subtract, multiply and division questions. By doing this for 15 to 25 minutes every day, the child’s IQ level will rise meaningfully. Apart from this, these days parents are also resorting to abacus to rise the IQ level of their child.

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3. Add Omega-3 Fatty Acid to their Diet

Omega-3 fatty acids are very important for children’s brains. In fact, DHA helps a lot in the growth of children’s brains.

If the level of DHA in the child’s body is low, it also affects memory and reading ability. Therefore, you must add omega-3 fatty acids in the diet of children.

4. Deep breathing is a good exercise

Deep breathing is one of the best brain exercises. Deep breathing generates good thoughts in the mind. Apart from this, along with increasing the power of concentration in everything of the child, it also releases stress from children’s mind.

For this, habitually practice deep breathing with the child for 10 to 20 minutes each and every morning or evening.

5. Learn to play any instrument

This can be a great activity for the child’s brain growth. This activity not only how to increase iq, but also develops mathematical skills. For this, you can motivate your child to play any instrument like guitar, sitar, harmonium, drum or flute.

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6. Teach the game

Playing is also essential for the mental and physical growth of children. Sometimes children learn many things through play and play. So next time to rise the pleasure and IQ level of your child, you must also play with him.

Short conclusion:

Learning is an ongoing process that begins from the moment you are born. As a parent, your job is to enthuse your child about learning and try to make them curious about the world around them.

While each child is unique, there are certain things that all kids need in order to develop their minds and become smarter. Food for thought:

There are many ways you can provide an environment where your child can learn as much as possible.

Writer mind thoughts: IQ is a measurement of your child’s brainpower. The more sophisticated it becomes, the earlier in life a child can begin to develop their skills and language.

Anjula jangir

Anjula jangir is a teacher and content writer. Her passion for helping people in all aspects current technology, health, fitness and wellness and also in self-development. Her latest work on all these topics for students and for those people who want to stay healthy and develop something new in themselves. She has own youtube channel FOOD CORNER SHORTS