Top 10 Best APIs for Python Developers

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Top 10 Best APIs for Python Developers

Python is an open source programming language that was created by Guido van Rossum in 1991. It’s an interpreted and dynamically typed language (which means it just executes the code that’s there, without checking to see if it’s being used correctly).

Python includes support for object-oriented programming (OOP), functional programming, multi-paradigm programming, as well as dynamic data structures and scripting languages.

Python is accepted in many niche areas, including automation and utility programs. Python is used in web development, automation, data analytics and application development. This article focuses on APIs. Below is a list of the Top 10 Best APIs for Python Developers should use by 2022.

Top 10 Best APIs for Python Developers

1. Turbo Gears

Turbo Gears can be used with both Python APIs and JavaScript APIs. Turbo Gears implements many optimizations to deliver high-performance APIs. Turbo Gears is a complete-stack framework that allows rapid development.

2. Cornice

Cornice provides an REST framework for Pyramid that allows users to create & document RESTish Web Services. A Pyramid is built to scale with an app. It automatically follows HTTP specifications wherever it is possible.

3. PythonURL

PythonURL is a Python wrapper for the libcurl library to multiprotocol file transfers. It can be used for fetching objects identified by URLs from a Python program. It supports HTTP, FTP and SMTP as well as many other Internet protocols.

4. Flask Restful

This module is for Flask and allows developers to quickly create Rest APIs. Flask Restful plugin makes it easy to create APIs quickly. It has a lightweight appearance that makes APIs very easy to use. You can also organize APIs in modules to create more complicated APIs with multiple endpoints.

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5. Django EST

Django EST is a Python-based REST framework that developers use to create web APIs. It’s a way to create REST APIs using Django. It makes calls between machines using HTTP.

6. Requests

The Requests Library is a popular Python HTTP client library. This library is used for API requests. It supports all HTTP methods as well as advanced HTTP features like authentication and SSL handling.

7. Falcon

Falco is an API framework used to build reliability. Its API resources are object-oriented and use a class-based interface. Falcon’s motto is to do as little work as possible, but still achieve high effectiveness.

8. Bottle

Bottle is a lightweight, simple WSGI micro-web framework for Python. Bottle APIs are simple to create because they were designed for simplicity. Bottle APIs have a flexible structure.

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9. Tornado

Tornado, a Python web framework that also includes an asynchronous networking library, is available. The Tornado web framework provides the necessary middleware features for handling HTTP requests, routing, and templating. Although Tornado is an old framework, some of its features may not be as current as modern REST frameworks.

10. Sanic

Sanic, another asynchronous Python web platform is Sanic. Sanic allows you to create custom protocols and middleware components that allow you to customize the response handling and protocol requests. It’s a lightweight framework that supports all of the important HTTP and app middleware functions.


Python is an easy to learn, fast and powerful language. It is used by many software engineers to build programming applications and web apps. The syntax of Python is very clear and simple. This language is also available as a free open-source software on the internet.


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