Top Digital Marketing certification

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Digital marketing certification courses

Whether you are a beginner in digital marketing or want to boom yourself, this is such a platform from where you can get a good course and certificate without spending lakhs, which you just need to add to your cv. You will get a hike from, you choose according to yourself, and then first know about the certificate well then take the next step

Digital marketing certification courses

1. Google Analytics certification course

This is Google’s tool, you track all the information on your website, where is the website ranking on Google, traffic from which country, leads are coming.

2. Google Ads / Google Adsense

Type on google search: Free Google Ads training… and start your course

In this you are taught how to target your client and make maximum money, like which keywords can get more traffic from which country, or what should be your target audience Needed.


Type on Google search bar: MOZ certification course….and choose according your niche

How should you do SEO on your website, so that both your ranking and visibility can improve?

3. Canva certification courses

Type on google search: Canva Design School….and choose your course

You will be taught about graphic design/video editing, and image creation to create visual content for digital marketing purposes

4. Buffer certification courses

Instagram marketing / Facebook Marketing is taught so that you can boost your business
Can do Branding and PR outreach

5. Mailchimp certification courses

Provides detailed knowledge of email marketing to create, send and track email campaigns

6. Hubspot

Inbound Marketing & Sales Techniques, Email Marketing, Content Marketing, and Growth-Driven Design explained to you from scratch

7. Unbounce

Landing Pages 101, The Five Key Landing Page Elements, The Psychology of Conversion, take this course sharing with you all the knowledge they already know,

8. Oppitimizly

There are lots of certification courses provided by Optimizely you can suck any one according to you these professional experts provide you with product knowledge, and skills, all about knowledge to enhance your growth.

9. SEMrush certification courses

This course teaches you how to track and optimize your SEO, PPC, and content marketing efforts.

10. Ahrefs

This is also a very good course that will give knowledge about how to track, analyze and optimize backlinks for SEO.

11. Facebook Ads

A good course to promote business on Facebook


My Name is Jayant and I'm a content writer and writing content for lightontech website. Content writing is my passion and doing it part-time. Always focus on uniqueness in my content. Thanks for your appreciation