How to Increase My Height in One Month

How to Increase My Height in One Month

Hello friends, how are you, many factors play an important role in your height.

An important factor is a genetics. It is believed that 70 to 80 percent of your final height is genetically dependent.

Certain(20%) environmental factors, such as your nutrition and exercise, are all thought to be responsible.

These are the 3 stages in which height increases in different types

1. Up to 1-7 years

At this time the length of the child increases to 10 inches.

2. Pre-pubertal stage (7-12 years)

At this time the height of the child 2 to 2.5 inches naturally increases with age.

3. Puberty (12-18 years. …. also some cases 20 -21years)

At this time children or young children can increase their height by working hard.

anyway, every child increases at a different pace.

Growth in girls’ height usually begins in adolescence.

The adult(19-21years) cannot increase their height after the growth plates close or After going through youth.

However, there are some measures or exercises that you can do after becoming an adult so that your chances of increasing your height are maximum.

How to increase my height in one month

1. 1 Glass cow milk + 2spn Ashwagandha Powder

First of all, take 1 glass of cow’s milk and mix 2 spoons of ashwagandha powder in it and you can add sweetness according to you, drink it daily for 1-2 months before sleeping at the night, you will see the change quickly.

Benefits of Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic medicine, Ashwagandha with cows milk can help your boost immunity.

Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic medicine that provides many health benefits, like- improved blood sugar, inflammation, mood, memory, stress and anxiety, as well as a boost in muscle strength and fertility.

2. Daily Skipping


Does skipping increase height? Yes and helps to make it tall and attractive.

Builds confidence in some people by increasing their height by 1-2 inches

While skipping is a calorie burner, skipping stretches muscles throughout your body, can build stamina and improve your health.

After the age of 19-20, it becomes very difficult to increase the height. Small changes can be made in height and in our body by doing some exercises like jumping rope.

Skipping also increases bone mass and lengthens them. Hence skipping helps in growing the height by a few inches.

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Other Benefits of skipping

  1. Skipping 10-15 minutes every day will help you burn calories.
  2. Skipping can also help you build stronger muscles.
  3. Skipping improves and changes bone density and helps you avoid bone diseases.
  4. Skipping increases your heart rate, which increases your body’s circulation.

3. Start Playing and outdoor game


There are many myths that you have heard. Some parents assume that they are both small, so their children will be small too.

But research shows that the right diet, posture and exercises, sports help in your child’s height.

During sports, the muscles in your ankle, knee and spine are stretched and stimulated, which lengthens and strengthens the bones.

However, avoid exercising for hours as it can tire your body instead of supporting your height.

For example, sports such as volleyball, basketball, tennis, football, volleyball and badminton, running, swimming and cycling promote growth hormone in the body. These games help the child to grow tall.

4. Stretching

Stretching in the morning and starting climbing for a few minutes

Jumping stretches the conditioning of the muscles and joints of the body and leads to muscle movements that improve body height.

5. Take care of food

Although there comes a time when your height is not increasing, here we are telling you some foods that can help in increasing your height by keeping your bones, joints and body healthy and strong.

You should include in your diet:

  • Fresh fruit
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Protein(Eggs)
  • Cow’s milk
  • Beans
  • Dry fruits
  • Bananas
  • Soy

You should limit your intake of foods that include:

  • Sugar
  • Trans fat
  • Saturated fat

You should avoid foods that include:

  • Junk food

example: Hot chips, burgers and pizzas, sugary drinks, alcoholic drinks

Note: Please stop giving your kids height increase pills.

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Thank you for reading complete blog. Be happy always.

Anjula jangir

Anjula jangir is a teacher and content writer. Her passion for helping people in all aspects current technology, health, fitness and wellness and also in self-development. Her latest work on all these topics for students and for those people who want to stay healthy and develop something new in themselves. She has own youtube channel FOOD CORNER SHORTS