What is Oversleeping and What Causes Oversleeping?

What is Oversleeping and What Causes Oversleeping?

Oversleeping can lead to serious health problems and may even be a sign of underlying conditions.

Sleeping well can help you feel more refreshed, increase your learning ability, boost your immunity system, and balance hunger hormones. You can achieve all this with as little as 7-9 hours sleep depending on your age, health, and level of activity.

Let’s look at what happens when you oversleep. We will also discuss why it might happen and what you can do to stop it.

What is oversleeping?

The Sleep Foundation states that oversleeping means getting more than 9 hours sleep in 24 hours. Although it sounds nonsensical, oversleeping is a real sleep disorder that results in people sleeping much longer than most people would consider normal.

If you suffer from this condition, you may go to bed at night and believe that you are sleeping normally, only to wake up very tired hours later. This can happen on a daily basis and this is when oversleeping becomes a serious problem.

What Causes Oversleeping?

There are many reasons to sleep too much. However, the majority of them fall under one of these categories.

  • Medication side effects
  • Neurological disorder
  • Psychiatric (mental-health-related)

After these factors have been ruled out, your doctor might test you for sleep disorders.

Sleeping too much is closely related to conditions like:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Obesity
  • Restless legs syndrome
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic pain
  • Bruxism is the kibbling or clenching of teeth.
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Sleep disorders (sleep disorder, insomnia, and narcolepsy).

Research shows that people with mood disorders are 12 times more likely than others to sleep too much and to have poor quality sleep.

Hypersomnia, excessive sleepiness, dementia, Parkinson’s and hormonal imbalances can all be caused by too much sleep.

Signs that you’re sleeping too much

Oversleeping is more common than you might think. Only a small portion of the population needs more sleep than others. They are known as “long sleepers”, and they often need between 10-12 hours sleep per night.

Other signs of excessive sleeping include:

  • Headaches
  • Grogginess
  • Low energy
  • Changes in mood

These symptoms can help you decide if you truly need the extra sleep.

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Why is it unhealthy to sleep too much

Insufficient sleep can cause serious health problems. However, excessive sleep can also have its downsides. Oversleeping can lead to:

  • Reduced immunity function
  • Low energy and fatigue can lead to increased fatigue.
  • Increased risk for chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and other conditions.
  • Stress response changes that are negative
  • Death risk increases

It ispossible for you to sleep your entire life away, so the old saying is true. The right amount of activity and rest will help your body function better. You shouldn’t move in one direction too often.

What can you do about oversleeping?

If you haven’t seen your doctor yet, it is a good idea to get one. Let your doctor know about your symptoms so they can evaluate any underlying conditions. This condition can be treated to relieve your sleep problems.

Your doctor should perform a physical exam and review your medications before discussing further testing such as blood work. You can keep a journal of your sleep for up to two weeks if you are struggling with excessive sleeping. This will help your doctor understand.

A sleep study may be recommended by your primary care provider. This will rule out sleep disorders such as sleep apnea.

Oversleeping can sometimes be caused by alcohol or certain drugs. However, if you stop using these medications your sleep problems will usually improve. You should consult your doctor before you stop taking prescription medications.

Good sleep hygiene is the best option. Although you may have heard the majority of these suggestions, they can be a reminder and help you identify sleep habits that aren’t working.

Good sleep hygiene includes:

  • Keeping same bedtime and wake time daily (even weekends)
  • Getting regular exercise
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol near bedtime
  • Making your bedroom a comfortable environment
  • Avoiding bedtime near the end of the day, and seeking natural light in the morning

These adjustments can help you get the most out of your sleep. You can read our article Feel like the Walking Dead to learn more. These 7 tips will help you get better sleep.

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All types of sleepers can get nighttime leak protection

No matter if you are a short or long sleeper, you are most at risk of leaking urine while trying to catch your zzzs. It is crucial that you find the best incontinence products or underwear to meet your specific needs.

TYE Medical provides premium, reliable incontinence protection from light to heavy leaks with a comfortable and reliable product. All orders are eligible for discreet and free shipping through our online shop.

Anjula jangir

Anjula jangir is a teacher and content writer. Her passion for helping people in all aspects current technology, health, fitness and wellness and also in self-development. Her latest work on all these topics for students and for those people who want to stay healthy and develop something new in themselves. She has own youtube channel FOOD CORNER SHORTS